除了这里的环境非常优美、当然这里的食物选择种类也繁多,结合了西餐和本土风味,。当然不得不称赞的是这里的服务态度相当良好,而且效率也是一流的哟~ 此外,Golden Sands Resort 还预备了3种不同的情调晚餐,让你有个难忘的情人节哦!
Dine in the Sigi's Restaurant (浪漫餐厅里

Time: 6.30pm to 10.00pm
Price: MYR 388 net per couple (3-course)
With one glass of mocktail and stalk of rose
Dine Beside the Pool (浪漫泳池旁

Time: 6.30pm to 10.00pm
Price: MYR 888 net per couple, limited to 14 couples (5-course)
With a bottle sparkling wine, entertainment by violinist, stalk of rose box and a box of pralines.
Dine at Cabana by the Beach (浪漫沙滩上

Time: 6.30pm to 10.00pm
Price: MYR 1,288 net per couple, limited to 3 couples (5-course)
With a bottle sparkling wine, entertainment by strollers, a rose bouquet and a box of pralines.
For more information or/and reserve the seat, just call us at 04 291 3037. Golden Sands Resort by Shangri-La