年尾Shopping 当然是 Design Village Outlet Mall 啦! 位于槟城 Batu Kawan 距离「第二槟威大桥」和「南北大道」只需5分种路程而已哦!找名牌,看名牌,买名牌?? 不用出国啦!更划算吧!那里的Shopping 最好康?在这里有折扣最多!款式,颜色,选择,牌子,任你选!此外,这里还吃到多种不同的道地小吃就在 DVO Food Bazaar! 别等啦!圣诞节礼物,新年新衣裳,运动装,鞋子,包包等等。全在Design Village Outlet Mall等着你啦!
你将有机会赢 “金吊坠” (24/11 - 1/1/2018)
Ho~ Ho~ Ho~ Design Village Penang Christmas promotion is back! Participate in The Enchanted Forest Christmas promotions from 24th November 2017 till 01st January 2018 to stand a chance to win a limited edition 916 gold "jewel box" pendant now!
Step 1: Spend RM50 in a single receipt to redeem 1 diamond's piece sticker
Step 2: Collect all 6 diamond pieces stickers
Step 3: Fill up the form and drop it at Customer Service Lounge
地址:733, Jalan Barat Cassia 2,14110, Bandar Cassia, Penang
营业时间: 10:00am to 10:00pm
联络号码:Tel: (6)04-5899888
就可以获得Penang Holiao槟城好料最新最快的美食资讯哦!!!